Happy Thanksgiving!

I am always thankful for all of my super great friends and all the people in my life, but this year, I am really thankful for time to work on my own projects. 

Everything has been so busy for me lately, from non-stop huge deadlines at work to an overload of freelance projects and 5 trips in 3 months. Not that I'm complaining - its great to have an income, know that people believe in me enough to hire me solo for freelancing, and of course I love traveling. Its just made me extra grateful these past few days to have some time to work on things that I, personally, really want to work on. Now I am setting my mind on finding more time for that in the coming months. 

Theres so many things I want to have time for. I just want to make all the things. Try everything once. Learn new skills as often as I can, while still having time for the old ones. I recently learned a really exciting new skill, but more on that later. 

In the past two days I made two slippers. One pair. I've been so busy I haven't even had time for knitting! A travesty. This pattern was super simple and fast, each one only took me a couple hours total. Daniel's been stealing my slippers lately, so I thought it was about time he had some of his own. A thanksgiving present? Plus a present to myself to have the time to do it.


View this project on my Ravelry page here.